
The Village Schools Partnership we value equality and opportunity for all. We are proactive in ensuring all members of our school community can access our schools - whether that's members of the public visiting our sites, children with additional needs who may require modification to the physical setting or the curriculum they follow, or staff using initiatives such as Access To Work to be able to carry our their roles and responsibilities seamlessly.

The Governing Board have appointed two governors to oversee the Equality Plan which sets out the Partnership's current priorities for the promotion of equality. These governors are Mr Dave Watson and Mrs Miranda Roper.

Equality Policy


Equality Plan

Objective 1:

To ensure all staff and governors are aware of their legal duties under the Equality Act 2010 and are aware of the different forms of discrimination, and what "reasonable adjustments" mean in practice

Action By whom? When? Resources and training needs/costs Monitoring and Success Criteria
Training within a staff meeting or INSET day Headteacher Termly No additional costs other than possible additional hours for support staff to attend training, ensuring full CPD coverage

Headteacher Report to Governing Board (termly)

Staff knowledge of discrimination in the workplace is good (evidence via termly safeguarding questionnaire)

At least one Governor to attend relevant training and report to the Board Pete Cox Autumn 2024 No cost as training is included in the Service Level Agreement bought in via Devon Governor Services Governing Board meeting - Spring 2025

Objective 2:

To ensure the School Websuite fully reflects the Partnership's inclusive ethos

Action By whom? When? Resources and training needs/costs Monitoring and Success Criteria
Page on Website sets out our Equality Policy and Plan Headteacher March 2024 No additional cost

Review by Governors including any feedback from stakeholders

VSPs Equality ethos is fully represented on the Website

Direct stakeholers - staff and families - to the website through the school Newsletter Headteacher Termly from March 2024 No additional cost

Reviewed at least annually by Governors (Next Jan25)

Parents are informed how to access Equality materials online

Objective 3:

To review Recruitment Policy and practice to ensure compliance with Equality Act duties

Action By whom? When? Resources and training needs/costs Monitoring and Success Criteria
Governors and SLT with Partnership Business Managers, to review recruitment adverts to ensure compliance Partnership Business Managers At next recruitment point None Feedback to subsequent Governor meetings to ensure changes are made to Policy, reflecting updated practice
Member of the Governing Board who sits on recruitment panel will audit equlaity process, along with safer recruitment Chair of Governors At next recruitment point None Feedback to subsequent Governor meetings to ensure changes are made to Policy, reflecting updated practice


The Village Schools Partnership we value equality and opportunity for all. We are proactive in ensuring all members of our school community can access our schools - whether that's members of the public visiting our sites, children with additional needs who may require modification to the physical setting or the curriculum they follow, or staff using initiatives such as Access To Work to be able to carry our their roles and responsibilities seamlessly.

The Governing Board have appointed two governors to oversee the Equality Plan which sets out the Partnership's current priorities for the promotion of equality. These governors are Mr Dave Watson and Mrs Miranda Roper.

Equality Policy


Equality Plan

Objective 1:

To ensure all staff and governors are aware of their legal duties under the Equality Act 2010 and are aware of the different forms of discrimination, and what "reasonable adjustments" mean in practice

Action By whom? When? Resources and training needs/costs Monitoring and Success Criteria
Training within a staff meeting or INSET day Headteacher Termly No additional costs other than possible additional hours for support staff to attend training, ensuring full CPD coverage

Headteacher Report to Governing Board (termly)

Staff knowledge of discrimination in the workplace is good (evidence via termly safeguarding questionnaire)

At least one Governor to attend relevant training and report to the Board Pete Cox Autumn 2024 No cost as training is included in the Service Level Agreement bought in via Devon Governor Services Governing Board meeting - Spring 2025

Objective 2:

To ensure the School Websuite fully reflects the Partnership's inclusive ethos

Action By whom? When? Resources and training needs/costs Monitoring and Success Criteria
Page on Website sets out our Equality Policy and Plan Headteacher March 2024 No additional cost

Review by Governors including any feedback from stakeholders

VSPs Equality ethos is fully represented on the Website

Direct stakeholers - staff and families - to the website through the school Newsletter Headteacher Termly from March 2024 No additional cost

Reviewed at least annually by Governors (Next Jan25)

Parents are informed how to access Equality materials online

Objective 3:

To review Recruitment Policy and practice to ensure compliance with Equality Act duties

Action By whom? When? Resources and training needs/costs Monitoring and Success Criteria
Governors and SLT with Partnership Business Managers, to review recruitment adverts to ensure compliance Partnership Business Managers At next recruitment point None Feedback to subsequent Governor meetings to ensure changes are made to Policy, reflecting updated practice
Member of the Governing Board who sits on recruitment panel will audit equlaity process, along with safer recruitment Chair of Governors At next recruitment point None Feedback to subsequent Governor meetings to ensure changes are made to Policy, reflecting updated practice


The Village Schools Partnership we value equality and opportunity for all. We are proactive in ensuring all members of our school community can access our schools - whether that's members of the public visiting our sites, children with additional needs who may require modification to the physical setting or the curriculum they follow, or staff using initiatives such as Access To Work to be able to carry our their roles and responsibilities seamlessly.

The Governing Board have appointed two governors to oversee the Equality Plan which sets out the Partnership's current priorities for the promotion of equality. These governors are Mr Dave Watson and Mrs Miranda Roper.

Equality Policy


Equality Plan

Objective 1:

To ensure all staff and governors are aware of their legal duties under the Equality Act 2010 and are aware of the different forms of discrimination, and what "reasonable adjustments" mean in practice

Action By whom? When? Resources and training needs/costs Monitoring and Success Criteria
Training within a staff meeting or INSET day Headteacher Termly No additional costs other than possible additional hours for support staff to attend training, ensuring full CPD coverage

Headteacher Report to Governing Board (termly)

Staff knowledge of discrimination in the workplace is good (evidence via termly safeguarding questionnaire)

At least one Governor to attend relevant training and report to the Board Pete Cox Autumn 2024 No cost as training is included in the Service Level Agreement bought in via Devon Governor Services Governing Board meeting - Spring 2025

Objective 2:

To ensure the School Websuite fully reflects the Partnership's inclusive ethos

Action By whom? When? Resources and training needs/costs Monitoring and Success Criteria
Page on Website sets out our Equality Policy and Plan Headteacher March 2024 No additional cost

Review by Governors including any feedback from stakeholders

VSPs Equality ethos is fully represented on the Website

Direct stakeholers - staff and families - to the website through the school Newsletter Headteacher Termly from March 2024 No additional cost

Reviewed at least annually by Governors (Next Jan25)

Parents are informed how to access Equality materials online

Objective 3:

To review Recruitment Policy and practice to ensure compliance with Equality Act duties

Action By whom? When? Resources and training needs/costs Monitoring and Success Criteria
Governors and SLT with Partnership Business Managers, to review recruitment adverts to ensure compliance Partnership Business Managers At next recruitment point None Feedback to subsequent Governor meetings to ensure changes are made to Policy, reflecting updated practice
Member of the Governing Board who sits on recruitment panel will audit equlaity process, along with safer recruitment Chair of Governors At next recruitment point None Feedback to subsequent Governor meetings to ensure changes are made to Policy, reflecting updated practice